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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  October 12, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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muni back up and running after a four-alarm fire causes disruption in the portal neighborhood of san francisco. take the gloves off as the candidates engage in fireworks during the vice presidential debate. and a tale of two cities. the magic finally running out on the green and gold. we will show you what the players are saying about the fans and the giants pull off the historical comeback in the series against the reds. the news at 11:00 starts right now. good morning. thanks for being with us.
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i'm marla tellez. >> and i'm jon kelley. we start off with a four-alarm fire at a restaurant disrupting muni service five hours. the blaze started at the squat & gobble cafe across the street from the west portal muni station. that is where christie smith has been live on the scene all day long. any idea how close things are to getting back to normal? >> reporter: we just saw a flare up a couple of minutes ago at the restaurant. firefighters are actually still spraying water on it at this hour. arson investigators haven't gotten a close look inside of the restaurant where part of the roof collapsed overnight. i think you just saw the train go by. muni is back up and running after the complete shutdown at the west portal tunnel. intense flames at west portal. that is how firefighters
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describe what they were up against. at 6:30 this morning, the fire was upgraded to four alarming. the squat & gobble restaurant had a partial roof collapse and it continued to spread. >> one is a wine shop and a dental office and another set of businesses. three buildings total. >> reporter:s firefighters took a defensive mode spraying water from outside because it was too dangerous to be inside. heavy trucks and equipment blocked the west portal tunnel. no light rail trains in or out. >> 17 line right here. >> reporter: the k and ocean view car lines impacted. >> i'm supposed to be lecturing at san francisco state right now. i'm not there. >> it is inconvenient. as much as i feel badly, i have to get to work. >> we're doing the best we can. no one planned for this to happen. we are providing the shuttles.
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>> reporter: neighbors say the restaurant had a small fire last year and firefighters believe the origin may be near the kitchen although it was closed at the time. firefighters tell us they will be here for the rest of the day. they have not determined a cause. i spoke with the owner of the wine shop who says it is a loss. he does plan to reopen. firefighters tell me there were three injuries to firefighters. one for smoke inhalation and one for a cut to the knee and one with a cut on the hand. reporting live, christie smith, nbc bay area news. thank you. a married couple is recovering from burns after their san jose home caught fire early this morning. the smoke woke them up at 3:45. they were able to escape before the flames completely engulfed their house on carlton avenue. both were walking and talking before going to the hospital for burn treatment. their injuries are not life threatening.
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>> just got a call around 4:00 this morning. my brother-in-law was freaked out. said his house was on fire and he had been burned. you know, obviously he founded freaked out. >> the san jose fire department faced two serious hurdles when fighting the fire. the power lines that prevented the aerial hose from getting the angle on the fire and the ammunition in the home forced them to take a defensive posture. investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the fire. the family believed it started in the kitchen. there is another trash bin fire to tell you about in san jose. the west part of san jose. this is number ten in the past three weeks. fire officials say the bin was set on fire last night close to delna manor lane. that fire, we can report, is out. nobody was hurt and there was very little damage. this fire was a fire in the very
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same area that happened on wednesday night. there was another one there. firefighters say this is arson and right now they are looking for anybody with any kind of information. police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man in san jose this morning. it marks the city's 37th homicide of the year. it happened on rogers avenue near the 880 and 101 interchange outside the alo bar. police were called there before 2:00 this morning. a man was found shot at least one time. police say the man died 15 minutes after officers arrived. >> right now, we don't have a motive for the murder. we don't have any suspects in custody. right now, investigators are currently following up on leads on the crime. >> officers are not sure whether the shooter was on foot or in a vehicle. police are asking anyone who may have been in the area at the time to please give them a call. marla, the exmarine accused
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of killing two neighbors in vallejo is scheduled to be in fairfield this afternoon. police believe he shot and killed two neighbors after the presidential debate last week. he hid in his home for an hour before police were able to get him and arrest him. the couple found driving the car of the woman found dead in hercules are being held in washington state where they were arrested earlier this week. investigators say darnell recently escaped from a california prison. the couple were found driving a dead woman's car. it is not clear whether the washingtons will be charged with her murder. time for a look at your weekend forecast. christina loren is here. i'm curious how you are holding up.
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it has been a busy week for you. >> the giants won yesterday. i'm feeling good no matter what. carry the load. good morning to you. a good-looking day today as we head throughout the afternoon, we will get rid of some of the clouds. not a lot. we have the slight chance for light showers over the greater bay area. let's talk about what is happening. the temperatures are cool across the state. we are in the 70s and 60s across the board with the area of low pressure. the broad area is keeping things cool for california. 59 in oakland right now. 55 in san jose. we're only on the way to a 10-degree warm up. tomorrow, the sun comes back up. that means we will see 5-to-10 degree jump in the temperatures. a big time warm up on the way through next week. up to 90 degrees in some cities. we're talking snow in mammoth today. 90 for wednesday of next week.
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>> busy. keeping the good vibrations flowing. >> proud to be the broadcast home of the san francisco giants. on the other side of the coin, a magical season for the oakland a's, but all the magic came to an end. >> a groundball right side. ifante to first. the tigers are headed to the american league championship series. the season for the oakland a's comes to an end. >> tough finish. the wrong team on the field celebrating. the fans wanted to see their a's. they stuck around and gave a big love in and standing ovation saying let's go oakland to send them into the off season at the end of the loss. it was 6-0. >> everybody hates it has to end right now. i just want to thank all the fans. they did a fantastic job. >> they were behind us the whole time. you could not expect more from
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the crowd. all i can say now is i hope to see crowds like that every game next year. >> time to look ahead for the fans next year. you got that. the tigers will still continue playing. they play the orioles or the yankees coming up in the american league championship series. so hope for another bay bridge series is over, but a hope for a bay area baseball team will win the series is not. >> a swing and a miss and strikes out rolen. the san francisco giants will advance to the nlcs. >> the giants pull off the 6-4 win against the reds thanks to the grand slam by league mvp buster posey. the g-men are the first team to come back from a two games to none deficit. the team is staying in cincinnati pending the outcome of the cardinals and nationals win.
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if the cardinals win, the giants come back to the bay area. the series starts on sunday. champagne on the head is always a party. still ahead at 11:00, they come out swinging. joe biden and paul ryan go toe-to-toe last night in the vice presidential debate. we will have a recap for you. and the mythbusters make the jump from the small screen to the old exhibit hall. i'm bob redell. i'll take you live to where they have taken their show on the road. that report coming up. and the biggest tech ipo since facebook. we will take a look ahead in business news. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches.
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t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin the nobel peace prize has been awarded to the european union. the committee cited the human
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rights and continued peace in europe since it has bn established after world war ii. it dismissed the troubles citing it has done more to promote peace between european countries. on to decision 2012. okay, these gentlemen are listed in the number two position, but proving as far as that heat factor, they deserve major billing here. vice presidential candidates come out swinging down in kentucky. paul ryan taking that initial shot at vice president joe biden. the first question of the debate and focusing on the september attack in libya that killed four americans, including the u.s. ambassador chris stevens. >> what we are watching on our tv screens is the unraveling of the obama foreign policy. it is making it more chaotic and us less safe. >> that is a bunch of malarky.
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>> the sparring continued for a full 90 minutes. a big departure from the presidential campaign which many would agree was vanilla, lacking energy and fire. the president watched the debate on tv and tweeted at the same time. scott mcgrew said he happen to make history in the process. >> a president watching a debate and reacting on twitter? that's not been done before, much less the presidential retweet. we saw that last night as well. in a retweet from the president, that's a pretty big endorsement. among the comments he retweeted, a blog called upworthy. they were commenting on moderator martha raddatz question tough question. then the question, do you actually have the specifics or are you still working on it and that is why you won't tell voters?
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the president obviously impressed. workday started trading shares this morning after pricing shares at $28 last night. that gives the company $637 million. the biggest tech ipo since facebook. that fellow in the middle with the white hair that is david dutfield. he created peoplesoft. he sold it to oracle. the stock this morning up better than 77% in very active trading. back to you. thank you, scott. i'm not sure if they busted 1 million myths, but the myth busters opens at the tech museum in san jose. i could not think of a better guy to check this out. we have bob redell live right now. bob, i have to imagine you are busting some myths as we speak.
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>> reporter: i am. one myth is i know what i'm talking about here. you will soon find that is not the case. good morning, jon. not only can you come here and see props from the popular "mythbusters" show. you can come here and bust your own myths. you see the telephone booth. you can figure out if it is true the superheroes can go into a telephone booth and change into the crime fighting costumes at lightning speed. you can figure out if the two pigs who built their homes out of straw and twigs were bad architects or if there was something else going on. and you can come to the rain tunnel. what are you busting here? >> we have been here before. caught in the rain storm without an umbrella and you have the urge to run. this raises the question, will you really stay drier walking or running? >> you have the slow lane and i have the run?
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>> i'm game. >> reporter: i'm running. i'm getting wet. he is taking a nice stride. the good thing is, they put some killer radioactive dye in the water. when you come to the black light, it shows up pretty well. let's see who got more rain on them. i got it on my head pretty good. >> as did i. you did not get it as bad. >> reporter: the misconception is walk. >> that's correct. >> reporter: this is what i like to do in a restaurant so i can get arrested. you can or cannot pull the table cloth? >> i think you can. >> reporter: what's the trick? >> the trick is to pull down and out very quickly. all right? on three. one, two, three! >> reporter: wow! >> wonderful. >> kid's got skills. >> reporter: this opens tomorrow at the park side hall. runs through january.
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quickly. playing card. you can really stick it into a target. >> absolutely. >> reporter: there is the radar gun. flick of the wrist. >> that's right. >> reporter: that was monumentally awful. you got nine miles per hour. all right, guys. >> i think you have some trick cards here. >> reporter: 25 miles per hour. it can be done. they are not staged. they can be stuck into that. >> i'm not so dangerous after all. >> all right. >> reporter: that is pathetic. have a good weekend. >> thank you, bob. >> someone better call bob's wife and let him know he will be late. i have a feeling he will be out there all day. >> love it. christina, how is the forecast looking on this friday? >> looking good. they should put him on staff. we have a great day shaping up. getting rid of the rain showers. we want to start with the live
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picture of the clouds hanging over san jose. we will get clearing everywhere except the local mountains. 57 degrees. it is still cold in novado. it is cooler here in san jose than san francisco. we are at 61 degrees. now as we head through the day today, finally getting rid of the area of low pressure that has brought the rain just about every single day this week. it is also what contributed to the thunderstorms that we had through gilroy producing almost golf ball-sized hail. the cold front will come through and reinforce the cool air in place. it will dry us out. we are done with the showers between 1:00 and 5:00 tonight. we stop the clock. getting a lot of sunshine over the greater bay area. the mountains will hold on to the cloud cover. highs today work out like this. 70 degrees in livermore. 68 in gilroy. if you can get out to campbell
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this weekend. octoberfest. temperatures creeping up by almost 10 degrees. as we head through the next couple of days, changes on the way. 79 degrees on saturday. 81 degrees on sunday. we will warm up throughout the remainder of the extended period. by wednesday, close to 90 degrees. you don't have to put away the muscle shirts just yet, jon kelley. please don't. >> she likes the muscles. >> i better start working out. coming up at 11:00, a warning today after you bought lettu lettuce. we will let you know if what you have is contaminated. now the space shuttle "endeavour" is slowly, but surely making its way to its new home. measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. yes on thirty-eight.
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welcome back. we have an important warning and recall this morning about contaminated lettuce. it is from fresh express. here is what you want to look for on the product code on the screen. the questionable bags all have a used by day marked october 11th. that date is in the upper right hand corner of the bags. anybody who has the recalled lettuce is being warned to throw it away immediately. fresh express will be offering a full refund. the space shuttle "endeavour" has made a stopover to the museum. it left l.a.x. at 5:30 this morning and drove three miles to the rest stop. earlier this morning, hundreds
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of people lined the streets cheering and taking photos of the shuttle as it made its way through downtown l.a. "endeavour" will sit in the parking lot for nine hours before continuing the road trip later this afternoon. it is expected to arrive at the california science center, the final resting stop, tomorrow evening. >> very cool to watch there. a tribute for some of the country's oldest warriors. jerri osborne and 32 other vets flew to washington, d.c. for the world war ii memorial museum. its mission is to allow vets like jerri the opportunity to be honored for service. she served in the navy during that war running the ferry office at naval air stations in san diego. >> once you are in the navy for three years, it never leaves
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you. i still salute the flag when i see it good by. i am always amazed when people find out i was in world war ii. they give me a hug. >> you show the love. she looks great for 92. she is a retired first grade teacher now who still volunteers in the e.r. at eden medical center. when we come back, scientists may have discovered a planet any girl would want to live on. we will explain. so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition.
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scientists may have just found a planet full of dying men. the scientists from yale say the planet is 390 degrees. researchers say this is the first planet with the fundamentally different chemistry than earth. have a great weekend.
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